A DOTS Puzzle is a game where you have to match same color dots with a line to create a connection.
Pair all dots with the same colour and make sure to cover the entire board to solve each level.
It allows you to improve your analytical skills and perception and skill.
A DOTS Puzzle is a simple puzzle game, where you need to connect dots by a pipe line.
The principle is simple, just connect the dots with the same color to complete the level and move on to the next level.
Be careful when you draw a line, not to cross other lines, they will be cut.
Link dots is easy to learn and control, but can be challenging as you advance higher level.
✓ A DOTS Puzzle is a single 5-level game.
✓ Level can be either 5x5, 6x6, 7x7, 8x8 or 9x9.
✓ Numbers of connection color dots is shown as DOTS.
✓ Used part of the board is shown as USED.
✓ The number of completed DOTS puzzles at each level is shown as ENDED.
✓ Sound can be switched on or off.
✓ A DOTS Puzzle is optimized for Android and is pure native.